Giving Back This Holiday Season

“The real issue in life is not how many blessings we have, but what we do with our blessings. Some people have many blessings and hoard them. Some have few and give everything away.”

- Mr. Rogers

Every year we look forward to the holiday season. Whatever the reason…the food, the shopping deals and savings, family and friends, the decorations, religious festivities…anyone you meet on the street would most likely agree that it’s their favorite time of year.

It’s easy to get swept up in it all. Between all the Black Friday sales, gift shopping lists, and tempting car commercials, how do you keep focused on what’s important? How do you create memories that last a lifetime rather than giving a toy that breaks after a couple hours? How do you touch the heart of a stranger? How do you give hope to someone in need?

Giving Tuesday (December 3rd, 2019) is a reminder of what’s important this time of year. Here at Brennan Martin Pugh & Associates, we have had the blessing of working with amazing organizations that provide necessary services to our community. Organizations like CASA of Marion County, Public Safety Chaplaincy, Valor Mentoring, The Salem YMCA, Athletes in Action, and UGM of Salem.

We implore you to think about your blessings this year and to consider giving back with a financial gift or gift of time volunteering at one of these wonderful organizations or one of the many others here in the Willamette Valley. Read to a child through SMART. Ring a bell for the Salvation Army. Serve food at UGM. Help build a home with Habitat for Humanity. Whatever your passions or talents, there are many ways to be involved and help build community, not just during the holiday season, but all year round.

Committed to Commitment

Helpful Ways To Value People